here is the video of, "Like me" due to technical difficulties, I couldn't edit my slideshare so I have to do say what I want to say through this, I didn't get to finish one of the slides involved genre- this music video is hip hop and therefore is for those who listen to hip hop which is age audience of the ages 15 to mid 20's.
You make some interesting observations about theme and some analysis of technical elements. The slides have some text cut off? Stills help this analysis. Like the other case studies, more needs to be made of camera and editing techniques, and of which methods you can use and adapt in your own music promo video. VC
You make some interesting observations about theme and some analysis of technical elements. The slides have some text cut off? Stills help this analysis. Like the other case studies, more needs to be made of camera and editing techniques, and of which methods you can use and adapt in your own music promo video. VC